
Showing posts from July 9, 2020


Txtool is made to help you for easly pentesting in termux, build on termux and only available for termux. Installation steps: require python version 2.x $apt update && apt upgrade $apt intall python python2 $ git clone $ cd txtool $ apt install python2 $ ./ $ txtool How to contribute ? if you are interesting with this project, you are welcome to open pull request fork this repository create new branch on your forked repository push your commit to new branch on your forked repository finally open new pull request Know problem ? for ssh backdoor access, txtool used  paramiko  python library that required  PyNacl  if you have an error installing PyNacl, follow my steps: $ apt-get install --assume-yes libsodium libsodium-dev $ SODIUM_INSTALL=system pip2 install pynacl or you have another error, please submit a new issue. Screenshot Contact